Comecei a fazer bijutaria por gosto, depois de ter passado por imensos tipos diferentes de artesanato ao longo dos anos. Já tinha concluàdo um curso superior, trabalhava como webdesigner e estava a planear ter bebés em breve pelo que não era uma altura apropriada para ir tirar um novo curso. Assim sendo, a minha aprendizagem …
– New studio
– I moved recently to a larger flat and that means I now have a room all to myself where I was able to finally set up a proper work room for my jewelry, computer, sewing machine, etc. It has one really long table on one side (actually 3 tables side by side) and the …
– Wire wrapped rings
– Still in wire-wrapping mode. I’ve been making rings now. I usually try to make adjustable rings whenever I can but this time I went for a closed ring band because i wanted to try wrapping it in half-round wire. It makes all the difference because apart from giving the ring a more finished look …
– Wire wrapped turquoise bracelet
– I’ve spent some weeks making a new line of my less expensive glass and silver plated wire jewellery for the stores that carry my stuff, but then I received an order of really yummy natural stones and so I couldn’t resist making a few sterling silver pieces as well. Yesterday I finished a wire-wrapped …
– Peridot hoop earrings
– I love hoop earrings. They are not always in style but I don’t really care – I make them anyway and wait until they come back into fashion 🙂 I finally gathered the right combination of beads, in the right shades of blue, green and gold, to make the hoop earrings I’ve been planning …
– Inàcio da colecção de invernoInàcio da colecção de inverno
– Tenho andado ocupada a fazer a colecção de bijutaria de inverno para estar tudo pronto no final de Setembro, quando chegar a altura de distribuir peças pelas lojas. Na segunda feira de manhã fui a Lisboa entregar os anéis que andei a fazer a semana passada à loja da Rua da Rosa porque já …
– Bending wire
– I’ve been working on designs for new rings. My coil rings continue to be popular and I can make them much faster now and without as much pain (calluses are your friends indeed) but I get fed up with doing the same thing all the time. I love just bending wire randomly and seeing …
– Aneis de arameAneis de arame
– Por muito que goste de fazer peças mais complexas como colares e pulseiras, os anéis são as peças mais populares e as lojas estão constantemente a pedir-me para levar mais. No entanto, fazer modelos de anel novos não é fácil e por vezes isso implica passar uns dias a fazer rabiscos no papel e …
– The hunt for a jewellery price calculator
– I’ve always calculated the cost and pricing for my jewelry with pen and paper, by writing down all the components and lengths of wire used, figuring out the material cost and the amount of time it takes me to make a piece and then use some some common sense to get to the final …
– Chain maille bracelet and wire rings
– I’ve decided to try coloured wire to make some coil rings. The color surface is a bit fragile but the colours are so beautiful and shiny that’s it’s a really tempting material to use. I used colourful wood beads as a focal point for the rings and the contrast between the materials – rough …
– Doces em FimoDoces em Fimo
– Desde miúda que gosto de casas de bonecas com todos aqueles fantásticos pormenores em miniatura. A comida, e especialmente os doces, sempre foram das minhas miniaturas favoritas e como tal sempre quis experimentar fazer algumas. Depois de passar uns dias a brincar com a plasticina do Tiago resolvi finalmente agarrar no caderno onde tenho …
– Food miniature earrings
– Ever since I was a little girl I’ve loved doll houses. And the part that fascinated me the most was the miniature food. A few years ago I finally bought a proper doll house kit that I built and decorated. Some of the first things I bought were a miniature pie, bread and a …