– I’ve been playing around with polymer clay again and I liked the idea of transferring black and white images onto the clay. It’s a simple process, though you have to practice a little bit because it’s easy to rub the ink off along with the paper if you’re not careful, and the result is …
Embellishing plain beads
Plain round glass beads can be pretty boring by themselves but we do tend to stock up on them because they add color while allowing more elaborate beads to pop. Unfortunately, sometimes you find yourself looking at a large quantity of those plain beads with little more to go on. At such a time, I …
– Bijutaria em FimoBijutaria em Fimo
– colar marinho (detalhe) Actualizei a loja com diversas peças de bijutaria esculpida em Fimo que tenho andado a realizar ao longo dos últimos meses. Espero que visitem e gostem das peças. Tenho aprendido imenso sobre esculpir em Fimo e descobri que gosto muito de o fazer. A parte mais atraente é poder usar cor …
Polymergence Newsletter – edição de Abril – Polymergence Newsletter – April edition
Há umas semanas fui contactada por uma simpática senhora chamada Charlene Therien a pedir para incluir uma foto dos meus brincos de ovo estrelado na edição de Abril da Newsletter da International Polymer Clay Association, chamada Polymergence. Fiquei feliz por poder contribuir uma peça e escrevi um pequeno parágrafo para acompanhar a foto. Todos os …
– Adventures in Polymer Clay
– When it comes to polymer clay I’m still very much a beginner. I’ve made a few things I like but haven’t developed enough of a technique to be able to make really perfect pieces. Not that perfection is always important. As with everything handmade, sometimes leaving your mark is actually a plus and, like …
– Stacked bead earrings
– I wanted to use gemstone chips to make some earrings. The simpler way is to stack them onto a simple ear wire with a hammered end. Unfortunately, most chips have very small holes and the garnet chips were the only ones that would fit. The other option is to wrap them around the ear …
– Novos brincosNovos brincos
– Brincos simples, forjados a partir de um único arame com uma ponta martelada para segurar as contas, que são empilhadas em coluna. As contas irregulares (chips) de pedras naturais ou as contas redondas achatadas (rondelles) são as que ficam melhor neste modelo. As contas achatadas, de forma regular, dão um ar mais sóbrio enquanto …
– Going Victorian
– I love to get inspiration from history when it comes to making jewelry and, after trying out egyptian, celtic and medieval inspired pieces I decided to try making some victorian-looking ones. To make the dainty flowers that serve the purpose of focal beads on the first few necklaces and earrings, I used flattened bead …
– Seed bead hell
– Well, I guess you can tell from the picture what the problem is. When I started making jewelry I got a good collection of sed beads. I made a few simple pieces with them but I soon figured out I had no patience for it. I’m a bit of a klutz so I kept …
– Argolas de prataArgolas de prata
– Colecção de quatro brincos de argolas em prata com pequenas pedras facetadas em tons de roxo, azul, verde e laranja. Estes brincos são muito leves e confortáveis de usar porque não abanam muito. Como são fechados, são também mais difàceis de perder do que os brincos com gancho. As argolas de prata medem entre …
– Spring berries bracelet
– It’s been raining all day so I made a colorful bracelet to cheer me up. It’s more appropriate for a spring collection than fall but I don’t really care 🙂 The design has a nature theme, kind of like a berry bush or a creeper plant and I chose carnelian beads for the berries, …
– New bracelets
– Since I’m waiting for client feedback on two of the custom pieces I’ve been making, today I started working on Christmas stock. I should have started by now but nearly a month with my daughter sick at home set me back a bit. Aside from the more elaborate pieces I love to make, I …